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Best Acting Schools by City

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  • Post last modified:08/01/2023

If you’re looking to kick-start your acting career by learning the craft here’s a list I compiled. The list includes not only schools/universities that can give you a degree in the arts, but also if you’re just looking to take acting classes when you can’t afford a 4-year degree then this list also includes great schools for that.

This page will be updated to add more cities in the future. If your city isn’t here, and you know of a school you’d like to add contact me. If your city isn’t here, and you’d like to find classes, your local high school, community theater, or community college is the best place to start.


Click/Tap on the name of the city you’d like to see the list of the best acting schools.


  • LOS ANGELES (Coming Soon)


  • ATLANTA (Coming Soon)


  • MIAMI (Coming Soon)



  • NEW ORLEANS (Coming Soon)


  • NEW YORK (Coming Soon)


If you’d like to suggest another city or a school in a city listed or not listed, please Contact Us and let us know. Thanks!

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