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You can find Jorge in many social media outlets, but he mostly uses his Instagram: @jmagana3, Tiktok: @maganajorge, and Snapchat. You can also check him out or contact him directly through twitter: @Jorge_Magana.

Yes, since we are re-launching his blog site, the articles are goign to slowly be added with the new redesign, the same goes for his Youtube channels. Currently all channels are offline except for one: Check It Out.


Jorge has been working in film/tv for about a decade and although there are many. Check out his gallery post: My Work in Film and TV to see the list.

Yes, you may contact them at their website: Chicago Talent Network.


His experience traveling has been mostly centered in North America and primarily in the United States, Mexico, and Canada!


Yes, there are great options that not only teach different acting techniques, but also talk about acting as a business. Check out the list here.


There are countless books about business, entrepreneurship, investing and building wealth, but Jorge put together a list of the books he recommends reading. Check it out his article: Must Read Books to Build Wealth.

Great question! Fitness is more than just going to the gym and eating healthy. Although there are countless apps, there are few that help with every aspect of fitness. Here’s a list of apps that Jorge uses.


Visit this page to check out a list of all the national parks he has visited and the ones he is planning on visiting.


Of course, here’s a blog article Jorge wrote with tips about becoming an actor: How to Become an Actor If you want to check out all the articles he’s written about acting: Click Here
Of course, check out his article: Film Crew Positions: Explained where Jorge explains some of the most popular film crew positions and what they do.

Cryptocurrencies can be confusing for most people. Check out this page where you can see the most common questions about Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and AltCoins like Dogecoin.


The TikTok handle for actor Jorge Magana is @maganajorge or visit his profile on the web at

Jorge Magana is not currently married. 

Jorge Magana speaks 3 languages: English, Spanish and French. He is currently studying Portuguese and Mandarin Chinese.

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